Mountain Valley Home Comfort

On-Site Evaluation overview: 03/10/2016

Day 1:

Worked with Technicians to improve their skills in the following:

  1. Lead Generation
  2. Agreement Sales
  3. Additional work
  4. Accessory Sales

Day 2:

Clarified Leaderships Business Goals:

  1. Develop the ability to measure field performance against pre-determined benchmarks.
  2. Grow the Company.
  3. Create more free time for owners.

Reviewed Financial and reviewed P&L results

  1. Gross Margins are low.
  2. Operating expenses are within a healthy range
  3. Unable to generate departmentalized financials

Step 1: Improve gross margins:

  1. Track K.P.I.’s for Service Department daily, review results and improve gaps.
  2. Currently, replacement salespeople are selling the job, ordering and staging all equipment and material, managing the install to final disposition. Cookbook replacement pricing seems to be good, however, there is no checks and balances to ensure each job was properly priced.
    All sold jobs should be turned into a production coordinator who will:

      1. Verify that the job was sold at the right price
      2. Verify that all materials and equipment are purchased at the right price
      3. Ensure that additional materials or accessories aren’t given away
      4. Manages the job to final disposition
      5. Generates a gross margin report for each job
  3. Track all sales leads to final disposition
  4. Track all Sales KPI’s on a daily basis measured against pre-determined benchmarks.
  5. Complete an Office workflow exercise to help streamline internal administrative tasks and ensure that all necessary checks and balances are in order.

Step 2:

Departmentalized financial statements (Monthly)

Prepare a Budget, Sales Plan and Business forecast

Step 3:

Incorporate Performance incentives and shift to Commissioned salespeople.